Workplace culture plays a pivotal role in keeping your team engaged and reducing turnover. But people often underestimate its influence on recruitment. While every hire must have the right skills and experience, finding the true gamechangers means looking deeper – specifically, at cultural fit.

What is workplace culture

Workplace culture defines how your team interacts, feels, and thrives together. It should show your company’s values and goals, influencing daily actions and long-term plans.

For us, understanding and defining your workplace culture is crucial in matching exceptional talent with exceptional roles. Finding people who will seamlessly embody and enhance your company’s culture is essential. Because in doing so it will help drive success and create a dynamic, engaging work environment.

Why is company culture important in recruitment

Company culture doesn’t just impact your team’s retention rate; it also affects your hiring costs. By using culture fit in your hiring process you can find those exceptional people you’re looking for – the kind of people who will thrive in your environment and contribute to your goals.

Around 59% of unhappy employees would switch to a company with a better culture. This shows that people want workplaces where they feel comfortable and where they feel they can succeed. Your company culture can be a powerful recruiting tool for attracting the top talent.

The people who you want on your team are proactive, they’re the same people who do their research and assess whether you’re a good fit for them.

How you can effectively showcase your workplace culture

  • Through your job descriptions: Infuse your brand’s tone of voice into your job descriptions. Highlight not just the role, but what candidates can gain from being part of your team.
  • Through your website: Beyond showcasing your products or services, your website should offer a glimpse into the team dynamic, especially on career pages.
  • Through social proof: Social media and review platforms like Glassdoor are used more and more by people looking to apply. Use engaging videos, pictures, and testimonials to give potential hires an authentic feel of your workplace culture.
  • Through the candidate’s experience: you should have a seamless and transparent candidate journey. Keep them informed and engaged at every stage to reflect the values of your company culture.

Two-thirds of people say they’re more likely to apply for a job that is officially recognised as a great place to work. By showcasing your company as a great place to work, and backing it up with social proof, you will attract top talent.

How to recruit for culture

It’s more than what’s on paper. To find the people who stand out above the rest, you need to ask the right questions and look for key indicators:

What to look for:

  • An understanding of your company’s services, values, and culture.
  • A shared attitude and values that align with your team.
  • A personality that complements, rather than conflicts with, your team dynamic.

Questions to ask in the interview:

  • Describe your ideal work environment.
  • How do you handle challenges and conflicts at work?
  • How do you align your work style with team goals?

Measuring your workplace culture

It’s important you’re always measuring your workplace culture. By measuring where you’re currently at, this baseline allows you to assess potential hires, and review their cultural fit after they’ve joined. Consider tools like:

  • Employee engagement surveys
  • Feedback surveys
  • Productivity metrics
  • Absenteeism rates

Beyond culture fit

While cultural fit is crucial, it shouldn’t be your sole focus. What’s equally important is how a person adds to your company culture and has the skills to move your projects forward. The true gamechangers—the ones who make a lasting impact—are those who can do both.